
Energy efficiency and conservation are critical components of financially prudent and resource-responsible institutional operations. Minimizing our consumption of energy reduces how much renewable energy we need to generate or purchase, thereby reducing operating expenses that can be redirected to other preferred purposes.  节能是强有力的碳中和计划的基础.

通过学生研究和我们定期的温室气体报告, 我们知道建筑占了我们 范畴1碳排放.  Over the past 30 years we have implemented waves of building energy upgrades including LED lighting, 双层玻璃窗户, 建筑密封, 绝缘, 设备更换, 和更多的. 


Smith’s building portfolio consists of roughly 120 buildings totalling approximately 3.200万平方英尺.  We are a college with a long history and our buildings are part of that story ranging from 200 years old to our brand new library that opened in Spring 2021.  一些建筑节能活动可以适用于所有建筑类型, 虽然许多人对特定的建筑结构有细微差别, 设备, 和使用.  Maximizing building efficiency and temperature comfort can be achieved by implementing the easy and obvious upgrades, 以及复杂而昂贵的设备和建筑改造.

Through integrative projects that apply academic 研究 to institutional and real-world sustainability challenges, 我们的学生, 教师, and staff work to promote energy conservation and ensure that new buildings are highly energy efficient, 旧建筑被改造以提高效率, 我们的能源供应继续变得更加清洁.

在2000年代中期, we focused in earnest on electricity consumption by converting lights throughout campus. 

在2010年初,学院开发了第一个 可持续发展行动计划.  我们知道效率应该是我们气候行动计划的关键部分, but didn’t know how much greenhouse gas reduction could be attained through building efficiency.  We therefore could not set specific and measurable building efficiency goals without understanding the unique opportunities of our complex building portfolio.  The Office of Sustainability engaged Professor Denise McKahn and student Etta Grover-Silva ‘10 to predict the degree to which building energy upgrades could 减少碳排放 and at what cost.  通过他们的 研究, they developed a method to model building structural types and existing thermal performance in order to evaluate the degree of retrofit that maximizes capital investment across an entire campus when no metered data is available.  在2010年上半年, the college used money from our gas supplier to install dense-pack 绝缘 in walls and attics across the college.

在这十年的后半段, the capital and construction team began focusing on opportunistic and strategic upgrades to mechanical 设备, 合适的热水储存尺寸, 更智能的楼宇管理系统.



艺术展示空间的照明是至关重要的.  适当的灯光使观众能够充分体验艺术.  不恰当的照明不仅会降低艺术品的档次,还会削弱作品的冲击力.  从2014年开始, 在SCMA的展厅里,LED灯具取代了白炽灯泡, 教室, 以及其他展示区域. The museum found multiple benefits in the change as LEDs do not emit heat that degrades artwork, 而且它们比其他灯泡更能发光,因为它们的黄色更少. 因此,能源效率提高了博物馆藏品的体验.


2013年,学院主要体育场馆的照明被转换为LED.  Almost immediately, the conversion halved the amount of energy required to light the ITT. 升级后每年可节省约3.4万美元. And another win: the LED lighting is so much brighter than the previous fluorescent lighting in the ITT that some tennis players have noticed their game has improved.


对于2008年以来的大多数新建筑,我们坚持 LEED(领先的能源与环境设计) 标准, 2014年, 我们将麦克利什站的柏克德环境教室认证为 居住建筑.



它强调自然光, 可持续设计原则, 灵活的内饰使其能够最有效地利用空间, “新尼尔森”,,于2021年春季开业, 是校园绿色建筑的重要补充吗. 该建筑由当地,区域和回收材料制成. An ocular sunscoop—a round skylight with a reflective curved wall—fills the heart of the library with natural light as a ground-to-roof skylight. It brings the maximum amount of natural light into the heart of the main structure. The curved walls of the “jewel boxes” on both sides of the building and horizontal window louvers increase the building's efficiency. 阅读更多关于建筑的可持续性特征. 




福特大厅拥有令人印象深刻的能源回收和照明系统, 促进最佳空气循环的布局, 回收材料. During construction, the waste recycling rate was 95 percent, significantly higher than the norm. Its green roof recaptures and filters rainwater and contributes to significant heat savings. 自2010年开业以来,屋顶上增加了太阳能电池阵列.


Cutter and Ziskind住宅(2012)


卡特-齐斯金德(Cutter-Ziskind)住宅综合体建于1955年,已有60年的历史. Its mid-century modern design was recently brought into the 21st century during a 2012 renovation that included high-performance glass, 节能建筑更新, 还有节水的管道装置. Creating a green roof and expanding the green space around the complex were other key renovations, 还有新的天窗. 




弗里德曼公寓大楼, 2016年开业, 采用可持续设计标准,获得LEED金牌认证. 多亏了厚厚的隔热层和双层玻璃窗, 加热和冷却这个综合体只需要很少的能量. The site has 50 percent less impervious space than existed before the apartments’ construction, 这意味着更少的水流入周围的社区和树林.




由美国政府资助. D. 贝克特尔小. 基金会, 澳门葡京博彩软件完成了2年的建设,2012年麦克利什野外站300平方英尺的建筑. A 9.4-kW solar array generates more electricity than the building uses on an annual basis. In 2014, the building was designated as the fifth fully certified 居住建筑 worldwide, having completed the rigorous 居住建筑 Challenge overseen by the International Living Futures Institute. 该建筑包含一个研讨会和演讲空间, 一个“干燥”的实验室, 小办公室, 一个小厨房, 还有两个堆肥厕所.




Built in 2006 for Ada Comstock scholars, 康威的房子 boasts a 5+ EnergyStar rating from the EPA. 它的10套公寓都安装了能源之星电器, 但这座建筑低能耗的关键是广泛的绝缘. 墙壁和天花板上有超过一英尺的膨胀聚苯乙烯泡沫, 当时毒性最小的一种. Because of the materials used for the envelope, the building is virtually airtight.



Smith participates in a program with our electricity provider that reduces the stress on the electricity grid during particularly hot days.  当澳门葡京博彩软件收到来自我们供应商的警报时, the following day we will completely generate our own electricity through our on-site co-generation power plant for the requested period of time.  这个项目为澳门葡京博彩软件省了钱,也给校园降温了. 



In 2016, 当归Radke 1818年,澳门葡京博彩软件发起了“关闭腰带”倡议, 一项鼓励化学实验室用户关闭通风柜以节约能源的运动, 减少碳排放, 提高安全性. Open fume hoods cost about four times as much to operate and release four times as much carbon as closed hoods. 据估计,关闭通风柜可以节省多达1美元,每年100罩, 校园里大约有150个通风柜, 这代表着巨大的节约和对环境的巨大好处. Sash closing is now a common and expected practice in our labs serving both a safety and environmental benefit.


2018年春天, the 房屋可持续发展挑战 (sponsored by a collective of college units) gave students a chance to pitch ideas for programs that would promote sustainable living and behavior in the houses. The winning team, Yolanda Chigiji '21, Emma Krasky '21 and Julianne Borger '21, proposed a 新的洗衣晾衣架系统 节约能源. 2020年,该系统得到全面实施,并由众议院生态代表监督.